Where can I find the bookings app?
To access the Bookings app, click on the main menu located in the upper left-side corner. Then the left side panel will open up and you will be able to select the Bookings app from there. Clicking on it will take you to the onboarding screen.
Onboarding is the process that makes sure all the relevant information from your business has been added. Once the process is completed, you can start accepting bookings right away.
Calendar setup
In this step, you can connect your calendar to the app. Alternatively, you can skip this step and do it later.
By connecting the app to your calendar:
- Bookings will be able to create calendar events
- Delete events that the app creates
- Read events in your calendar
The calendars we support are iCloud, Google, Office365, Exchange, and Outlook.com
Business Hours
Your customers can make an appointment during your business hours. Additionally, If you need to create a break during your business hours, click on the + icon located at the end of each day.
Besides setting your business hours, your business name and a contact e-mail address are needed to complete this step. Anything added during this step can be changed at a later time.
Configure payments
The next step is to add your preferred payment method. You can skip this step and complete it a later time.
From the payment methods shown below:
PayPal. Enables you to take payments from customers with a PayPal account or debit/credit cards.
Stripe. Enables you to take payments from customers with debit/credit cards.
Offline payments. Choose this one if you want to give instructions to your customers about other payment options (i.e. Pay on location, or Bank transfer details)
Video calls
Online events, or services that can be delivered through a video call, will need you to connect to a video call account.
Google Calendar automatically adds Google Meet links to your calendar invites. If you want to use Google Meet for video calls, no further action is required.
Alternatively, you can connect with Zoom, Microsoft Teams, or GoToMeeting to add video call links to bookings.
Service setup
In order to set up your first service, you need to choose the service type: Appointment or Event.
You can see more information here: Adding an appointment and Adding an event.
For this tutorial, we will add only the basic information needed to create an Appointment type of service:
- Service name
- Description
- Duration
4. Price
Publish your website
Now the setup process has been completed you can start taking bookings as soon as you publish your website.
Single service page
This is how the service will appear on your site. To check the available slots customers need to click on that particular date and the availability will be displayed.
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