If you want to make a document available for your users to download, you can use our Dropbox Widget.
STEP 1. Creating your Dropbox account
Visit https://www.dropbox.com and sign up for a free account.
STEP 2. Upload your files to Dropbox
To upload your files to Dropbox click on the upload icon at the top. You can upload files from your computer that are in the following formats:
DOCUMENTS: .doc and .docx .ppt and .pptx .pps and .ppsx .rtf .markdown .mdown .mkdn .md .c .coffee .cpp .css .diff .js .java .less .php .py .rb .sass .scss .sql .vb .htm .html .xhtml .xml .sh .txt
IMAGES: .jpg and .jpeg .png .tiff and .tif .gif .bmp .ai .psd
VIDEO: .3gp .3gpp .3gpp2 .avi .mov .mp4 .wmv .m4v .mpg .mkv .mpeg .vob .flv .mts .m2t .ts .dv
This is how your uploaded file will look like on your Dropbox account.
STEP 3. Go to your editor
On your editor click on the 'Add content' tab at the top (1) and scroll down untill you find the Dropbox widget (2). Drag it to your page.
Click on the Dropbox widget on your page (1) so the settings bar appears at your left. Click on the Choose from Dropbox (2) button.
Select your file (1) and click on Choose (2).
When you publish your site your visitors will be able to download the file from your site by clicking on the button.
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