You can add new entries to your blog as often as you like.
Add a new post
To add a new post:
- Click on the Add a post button on the left
- Give your post a title
- Write your post content. It can be as long as you want and you can add images
- The post summary is a brief text about your post that your users will see in the post list page
- Add an image that will be shown on your post list page by the side of your entry
- Adding tags will help you get a better ranking in search engines
- You can organize your posts in categories
- The permalink is where your post will be located (i.e.
- You can save a draft and publish your post later on or you can publish it directly
Your posts will only be available for everyone if the status of your blog is set as Online.
Publish your post
Click on the Posts link on the left menu and you will be able to see a list with your posts and whether they have been published or not. To publish, unpublish or delete a post, tick the box by its side and then click on the right button at the top.
See the Post List Page
The Post List Page shows a list of all your posts with the image, title, summary and a 'read more' button. The appearance of this page is determined by the template you have chosen and you can't change the disposition manually.
To see this page click on Site > Post List Page
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